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Keelung Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage



  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-06
  • View count:471


Location Map
Direction to the prison
City bus: take 203 at the train station) to Shengaokeng
Keelung Bus: take the bus to Ruifang at the train station (pasing Shengaokeng)
By car:
1.Take the first exit (to Binghai) after passing the tunnel of Highway 1 Turn right Go along Renyi Rd.
Tungming Rd.District Court Going right on Tungsin Rd. for about 100m Turn left and go up hill to Tungguang Rd. The prison.
2.After passing Shihjr Exit on Highway 2, stay on the right and take Highway 2 heading Keelung City, then follow the instruction in 1.
3.Ruifang Turn left before arriving at Ruifang Tunnel Follow Shenaokeng Rd. for 5km Tungguang Rd. The prison.
Address: 201
No. 199, Dungguang Rd., Xinyi District, Keelung City Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Taiwan.Service Phone-Call:+886-2-24651146

Meeting information hotline:
(02) 2465-1146#292 (Registration Office)
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