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Keelung Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Administrative unit

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-06
  • View count:176
Personnel business responsibilities Telephone 02-24651150 email klpp@mail.moj.gov.tw
    • Handle the drafting of personnel laws and regulations and publicity of personnel laws and regulations.
    • Handle matters related to the employment of contracted and professional agents.
    • Handle the daily assessment, performance appraisal (success), rewards and punishments of the supervisor's staff.
    • Handle matters related to the salary level approval and leave management of the supervisory staff.
    • Handle the selection and commendation of various outstanding personnel of the supervisory staff.
    • Arrival, resignation, personnel change salary notification, service certificate, and in-service certificate issuance of the supervisor's staff.
    • Handling staff cultural and recreational activities, various insurances, mutual welfare assistance, various living allowances and assistance in housing purchases.
    • Handle staff on-the-job training and advanced studies, and invite scholars and experts to come to the supervisor to teach related subjects (issues).
    • Handling of gatherings for various celebrations, staff symposiums and post-service convenings.
    • Handle the registration of hours for staff lifelong learning passports.
    • Handle employee retirement, severance, pension and care for retirees.
    • Registration matters concerning the assignment, dismissal, transfer, rewards and punishments of staff, and other personnel matters.
Accounting Business Telephone 02-24658299 email klpa@mail.moj.gov.tw
    • Preparing (estimates) budgets for public affairs budgets, budget allocation tables, accounting reports, semi-annual reports, and final accounts.
    • Preparation of operating fund budget (estimates), income and expenditure estimates, accounting reports, semi-annual reports, and final accounts.
    • It is proposed to check and sign various revenues and expenditures, and review purchase requisitions and various original certificates.
    • Accounting processing of revenue, funds, property and operating funds, etc.
    • Supervision and inspection of procurement cases, etc.
    • Review and clear up and supervise the collection of receivables, collections, advance receipts, prepayments, temporary payments, etc.
    • Various property inspections and inventories will be done.
    • Drafting, auditing, sending and receiving, storage, filing and destruction of accounting documents.


Statistical business management Telephone 02-24661776 email klpi@mail.moj.gov.tw
    • Filing, auditing and checking of the statistical data of the inmates.
    • Compilation and reporting of regular statistical reports.
    • Collection and preparation of business performance data.
    • Provide the statistical data needed for the performance appraisal and execution of the business by the head of the agency and the business unit.
    • Conduct investigations.
    • Publishing and management of statistical data.
    • Matters such as performance appraisal (success) assessment, rewards and punishments of the statisticians in this office.
    • It also runs the information business of the agency.
    • Office documents, sending and receiving and filing matters and other assigned matters.


Political style and business responsibility Telephone 02-24658883 email klpn@mail.moj.gov.tw
    • Handle matters related to the drafting of government conduct laws and regulations of the agency.
    • Handle publicity matters of the agency's political style and laws.
    • Handle the prevention, discovery and handling of reports of corruption and illegality by employees of the agency.
    • Handle matters suggested by the institution's political style and reform.
    • Handle the agency's government style assessment rewards and punishments recommendations.
    • Handle the maintenance of official secrets of the agency.
    • Handle other matters related to politics.
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