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Keelung Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Living Expenses

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-06
  • View count:308

High-quality living environment

The dormitory rooms have single beds and bunk beds in both Western and Japanese styles, and are spacious. Each dormitory room is equipped with a ventilation fan and a television, and has good lighting and ventilation.

living environment living environment living environment living environment
living environment living environment living environment living environment

Personal belongings of detainees

All the necessary clothing for daily life, including both summer and winter short and long-sleeved garments, are supplied by the detention center for use by the detainees.

clothing clothing clothing 2-4clothing

Food management

For the procurement of supplementary food for detainees, the detention center and Keelung Detention Center jointly organize a bidding process in the Keelung area. When accepting supplementary food, pork and chicken are inspected and certified by the government with the CAS trademark and verified for their expiration dates to avoid purchasing commercial cooked foods. All dishes are cooked thoroughly before being served, and the use of cooking oil and salt is regulated and checked regularly. Every day, detainees are assigned kitchen staff to supervise the cooking process, maintain hygiene and cleanliness, and distribute dishes. Detainee representatives attend monthly meetings to improve the quality of meals, with the aim of providing nutritious and hygienic meals to detainees. In addition to staple rice, noodles are also provided to offer a variety of flavors.

food food food food foodfood
fresh vegetables fresh vegetables fresh vegetables fresh vegetables fresh vegetables

Recreational facilities

The detention center's activity center is equipped with a treadmill, an exercise bike, a basketball machine, a gravity training machine, and a nine-square throwing board. Various fitness equipment is provided to detainees for exercise, strengthening physical fitness, and relieving stress.

treadmill pitching board

Accessibility Facilities

We place great emphasis on serving the public, and have installed accessibility facilities and designated personnel services from the entrance to the living quarters of our inmates.

Meeting Facilities Meeting Facilities Meeting Facilities Meeting Facilities Meeting Facilities
Meeting FacilitiesMeeting Facilities Meeting Facilities Meeting Facilities Meeting Facilities Meeting Facilities

Responsible departments: General Affairs Division and Custodial Division.

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