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Internal Control Statement for the Year 2023

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-13
  • View count:201

Ministry of Justice, Keelung Prison

Internal Control Statement

Regarding the internal control of the Ministry of Justice for the year 2023 of the Republic of China, based on assessments and audits, the following statement is hereby made:

  1. The Ministry of Justice acknowledges that the establishment, implementation, and maintenance of effective internal controls require the participation of all personnel in the organization. Relevant internal controls are established based on risk assessments with the aim of achieving goals such as improving administrative efficiency, providing reliable information, complying with legal regulations, and safeguarding assets. This statement provides reasonable assurance, excluding external risks beyond the control of internal controls within the organization.
  2. Internal controls have inherent limitations. Regardless of how control mechanisms are strengthened, effective internal controls can only provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of relevant objectives. Furthermore, changes in the environment and circumstances may affect the effectiveness of internal controls. However, the Ministry of Justice has established a supervisory mechanism for internal controls to track and improve any deficiencies.
  3. Based on the evaluations and audits conducted on the establishment and implementation of internal controls for the year 2023, the Ministry of Justice deems that the overall establishment and implementation of internal controls as of December 31,2023, were effective and can reasonably ensure the achievement of the aforementioned objectives.
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