Summary of Financial Assistance from the Correctional Agency Operations Fund to Civil Society Organizations and Individuals
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2024-09-04
- View count:251
Attachment List
- 2st-quarter-of-year-113-no-data-on-supplementary-donations-to-civilian-groups-and-individuals-for-this-quarter.ods18 KB 2024-07-03 Count Views:8
- 1st-quarter-of-year-113-no-data-on-supplementary-donations-to-civilian-groups-and-individuals-for-this-quarter.ods18 KB 2024-06-14 Count Views:17
- 4nd-quarter-of-year-112-no-data-on-supplementary-donations-to-civilian-groups-and-individuals-for-this-quarter.ods18 KB 2024-06-14 Count Views:16
- 3nd-quarter-of-year-112-no-data-on-supplementary-donations-to-civilian-groups-and-individuals-for-this-quarter.ods18 KB 2024-06-14 Count Views:15
- 2nd-quarter-of-year-112-no-data-on-supplementary-donations-to-civilian-groups-and-individuals-for-this-quarter.ods18 KB 2024-06-14 Count Views:15
- 1st Quarter of Year 112 (No data on supplementary donations to civilian groups and individuals for this quarter).ods18 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:66
- 4th Quarter of Year 111 (No data on supplementary donations to civilian groups and individuals for this quarter).ods18 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:70
- 3rd Quarter of Year 111 (No data on supplementary donations to civilian groups and individuals for this quarter).ods18 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:59
- 2nd Quarter of Year 111 (No data on supplementary donations to civilian groups and individuals for this quarter).ods18 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:63
- 1st Quarter of Year 111 (No data on supplementary donations to civilian groups and individuals for this quarter).ods19 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:57
- 4th Quarter of Year 110 (No data on supplementary donations to civilian groups and individuals for this quarter).ods18 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:64
- 3rd Quarter of Year 110 (No data on supplementary donations to civilian groups and individuals for this quarter).ods18 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:56
- 2nd Quarter of Year 110 (No data on supplementary donations to civilian groups and individuals for this quarter).ods18 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:55
- 1st Quarter of Year 110 (No data on supplementary donations to civilian groups and individuals for this quarter).ods19 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:63
- 4th Quarter of Year 109.ods18 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:62
- 3rd Quarter of Year 109.ods19 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:65
- 2nd Quarter of Year 109.ods19 KB 2023-05-23 Count Views:66